Digital Native or Digital Immigrant?
According to Marc Prensky, a “Digital Native” is anyone around the age to be in college (as of 2001) or younger. These people have grown up in the digital age where they have always had some form of technology accessible to them. They play more video games and watch more TV than they do reading books. They go to the internet as a first option when researching rather than a book or another person. They prefer to play games rather than doing actual work. A “Digital Immigrant” is someone in older generations who did not grow up with things such as the internet or computers readily available. Instead, they have had to adopt these into their lives much later and had to learn to use them after having already lived life without them. They appreciate a good book or long walks outside more than the average Joe who was born later than the ’80s. Using the age definition, I technically fall under the classification of Digital Native. I was born the year Prensky wrote his paper. I grew up with...