FACT - People Need Sound to Live : How to Properly Argue Online
For this blog post, I am going to be talking about an argument that happened in the comments section of a Facebook page a while ago. Argument: https://www.india.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/315.jpg . I am not including the screenshot here because, as a warning, it is rather… uh… not kid-friendly to put it lightly. I chose to talk about this argument because I felt it displayed two rather clear types of arguments. It is a rather short argument, but one person has a much clearer ability to use logic and has an actual basis for his position. The initial post stated that the movie The Martian looked rather unrealistic and not to his taste. A second person responded by explaining where the logic behind the movie came from and it is actually very realistic. The original person then responded by saying it was not because humans need sound to live, and there is no sound in space. There are many things wrong with this argument, but I will stick to the main concerns I have. The in...